
Buckeye Reporter

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Balderson: Rescinding Title 42 Creates a Payday for Drug Cartels, Nightmare for Law Enforcement


 Congressman Troy Balderson issued the following statement today criticizing the Biden Administration's recent decision to rescind Title 42, an effective Trump-era mechanism helping to prevent illegal entries:

"Our border patrol officers need more - not fewer - tools at their disposal to secure the border. This reckless decision effectively creates a massive payday for drug cartels, which will exploit this nightmare scenario for law enforcement to traffick more people and drugs, including fentanyl, into the United States. Rescinding Title 42 is dangerous and demonstrates an utter disregard for the drug problems ravaging communities in Ohio and across the country."

Since October 1, 2021, more than 1 million migrants have been apprehended at the southern border. An estimated 300,000 illegal immigrants, known as "got-aways," have managed to evade border patrol officers and entered the country illegally.

Border Patrol officials estimate they have enough personnel to effectively manage up to 5,000 encounters per day. Already exceeding existing capacity, Border Patrol now averages approximately 8,000 encounters daily. Experts anticipate that number to surge to 18,000 encounters per day, which would mean a loss of operational control at the border.

First implemented by the Trump Administration following the outbreak of COVID-19 in March of 2020, Title 42 has since been a primary mechanism for both the Trump and Biden administrations to expel a majority of migrants at the border.

In anticipation of a massive influx, Border Patrol agents are being transferred from coastal points of entry and the northern border to support the impending crisis. The Department of Homeland security has also activated FEMA's Surge Capacity Task Force. 

On April 6, Congressman Balderson joined a group of 70 House Republicans in procedural attempts to bring the reinstatement of Title 42 to the Floor for a vote. Each attempt was blocked by House Democrats.

Other efforts, supported by Congressman Balderson, aimed at preserving Title 42 protections as a tool for protecting our southern border include:

H.R. 471 - PAUSE Act - This legislation would keep Title 42 in place by maintaining public health restrictions at the border until federal and state COVID orders have been lifted and infection risks from Canada and Mexico are minimized.

Letter to President Biden - The letter urges the Biden Administration to reverse course and keep Title 42 in place. 

Congressman Balderson attributes insufficient support for border security, paired with policies that encourage illegal entry, as the most significant contributors to the deteriorating security situation at the border.