
Buckeye Reporter

Monday, July 8, 2024

Reflections on freedom: Celebrating Independence Day 2024

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Dean Rieck, Executive Director at Buckeye Firearms Association | LinkedIn

Dean Rieck, Executive Director at Buckeye Firearms Association | LinkedIn

With Independence Day upon us, the day can mean various things to different people: a paid day off, time with family and friends, cookouts, reunions, or simply watching fireworks. For some, it is also a time to reflect on the Constitution, the founding fathers, the Bill of Rights, and the military personnel who protect our freedom.

"FREEDOM." This term is frequently invoked in reference to rights guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. However, these freedoms are constantly under threat. The First Amendment—encompassing free speech, religious freedom, free press, peaceable assembly, and petitioning the government—is particularly significant. It was one of the primary reasons for the founding fathers' migration to America and is foundational to American liberty.

The Second Amendment serves as a safeguard for these freedoms. Despite being heavily debated and scrutinized throughout history—including interpretations by lower courts and the Supreme Court—it remains crucial for protecting individual rights.

Historical figures emphasized this importance:

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety," stated Benjamin Franklin in 1759.

George Mason asserted that disarming people is an effective way to enslave them.

The Declaration of Independence underscores this sentiment: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations... evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right... to throw off such Government."

Samuel Adams warned against having an uncontrolled army among citizens but highlighted that a militia composed of free citizens poses no danger to their own rights or security.

Supporters are encouraged to defend Second Amendment rights actively.

Wishing everyone a "HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY" and encouraging membership in organizations like Buckeye Firearms Association to support grassroots efforts in defending these rights.




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