
Buckeye Reporter

Thursday, September 19, 2024

East Palestine Update - 06/12/23

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State Governor Mike Dewin | State Governor Mike DeWine Official Website

State Governor Mike Dewin | State Governor Mike DeWine Official Website

(COLUMBUS, Ohio)—The following are updates from the State of Ohio regarding remediation work at the site of the Norfolk Southern train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

NEW: East Palestine Emergency Support Program

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, Senator Michael Rulli (R-Salem), and Representative Monica Blasdel (R-Columbiana County) on June 12, announced a new emergency support program to assist East Palestine businesses impacted by the February train derailment.  

The East Palestine Emergency Support Program will provide 0% interest, forgivable loans to businesses to assist with ongoing expenses and recovery efforts associated with the train derailment. For-profit and nonprofit Ohio businesses located within a two-mile radius of East Palestine that were operational on or prior to Dec. 1, 2022, are eligible to apply for loans ranging from $10,000 to $1 million. 

“We are building on the commitment we made more than four months ago to support the families of East Palestine,” said Governor DeWine. “This program is essential for long-term recovery, giving the businesses impacted by this tragedy more support to recover and thrive.” 

“Businesses play an important role in our communities, creating jobs and boosting the economy,” said Lt. Governor Husted. “This program aims to provide necessary assistance to help East Palestine businesses recover and rebuild so this community can come back stronger.” 

The East Palestine Emergency Support Program was created in partnership with the Ohio General Assembly with funds from the Controlling Board Emergency Purposes/Contingencies Fund. The Ohio Controlling Board approved the availability of the funding on June 12, 2023. 

"The announcement of this program is an example of how we have continued to work with the administration to hold Norfolk Southern accountable while providing necessary resources for the East Palestine community," said Representative Blasdel. "The ability to access flexible, zero-interest assistance will help rebuild the village and show that East Palestine is back in business.” 

"The recovery efforts and ongoing support we have seen in East Palestine are truly remarkable," said Senator Rulli. "I  am grateful for the Controlling Board's approval of these critical relief dollars that will help small businesses in my community continue to recover. It is crucial we continue to do all we can to ensure our small businesses have what they need to thrive once again." 

In total, $5 million will loans will be available. Funds will be eligible for forgiveness if used for payroll, employee benefits, rent or mortgage payments, utility expenses, worker protection gear related to the train derailment, and inventory replacement expenses associated with the train derailment.  

The program will be administered by the Ohio Department of Development. Additional details on the program will be available at development.ohio.gov/eastpalestine. For program status updates, subscribe for email updates

Track Clean Up Progress

The cleanup of the track area including the north ditch is expected to be completed this week, and Norfolk Southern is in the process of rebuilding the second rail line. The Pleasant Drive crossing is being excavated and rebuilt.  The road remains closed throughout the week to allow the work to be safely completed. With the completion of the track area, Norfolk Southern is preparing to move into the areas adjacent to the rail where derailment materials were staged. 

Hazardous Waste Removal

According to Ohio EPA, approximately 20.2 million gallons of liquid wastewater have been hauled out of East Palestine in total. There is currently a pile of approximately 11,400 tons of excavated soil waiting for removal from East Palestine, versus 66,300 tons that have been removed. 

East Palestine Municipal Drinking Water

Drinking water sampling results from the East Palestine Municipal Water System continue to show no indication of contaminants associated with the derailment. The public water system continues to meet all state and federal standards for safe drinking water. Sentinel and monitoring well sampling also show no indication that chemicals associated with the derailment are moving toward the East Palestine well field.

State of Ohio Updates

For more information and previous updates from the State of Ohio, visit ema.ohio.gov/eastpalestine.

Original source can be found here.