Easily confirmed in 1994 after being appointed by President Bill Clinton, Justice Stephen Breyer has served honorably on the High Court for almost three decades. He has a reputation of fairness and bridge-building – something the rest of Washington could use a lesson in. Last year, Justice Breyer said, “If the public sees judges as ‘politicians in robes,’ its confidence in the courts, and in the rule of law itself, can only diminish, diminishing the court’s power, including its power to act as a ‘check’ on the other branches.” I agree with Justice Breyer. And, while I haven’t agreed with many of his decisions, I respect him, and thank him for his dedicated service to the United States.
Today is Justice Breyer’s day, and it’s appropriate to leave for another time any speculation about what will happen next regarding who his replacement may be and how the confirmation process will play out.